Search Results for: ABDOMINAL CAVITY

peritoneal infusion

A method of delivering fluids and drugs directly into the abdominal cavity through a thin tube. Also called intraperitoneal infusion. … [Read more...]

peritoneal fluid

A liquid that is made in the abdominal cavity to lubricate the surface of the tissue that lines the abdominal wall and pelvic cavity and covers most of the … [Read more...]

intraperitoneal infusion

A method of delivering fluids and drugs directly into the abdominal cavity through a thin tube. Also called peritoneal infusion. … [Read more...]

intraperitoneal chemotherapy

Treatment in which anticancer drugs are put directly into the abdominal cavity through a thin tube. … [Read more...]

continuous hyperthermic peritoneal perfusion

A procedure that bathes the abdominal cavity in fluid that contains anticancer drugs. This fluid is warmer than body temperature. This procedure appears to kill … [Read more...]


A procedure that bathes the abdominal cavity in fluid that contains anticancer drugs. This fluid is warmer than body temperature. This procedure appears to kill … [Read more...]


Having to do with the parietal peritoneum (the tissue that lines the abdominal wall and pelvic cavity) and visceral peritoneum (the tissue that covers most of … [Read more...]

parietal peritoneum

The layers of tissue that line the abdominal wall and the pelvic cavity. … [Read more...]

pseudomyxoma peritonei

A build-up of mucus in the peritoneal cavity. The mucus may come from ruptured ovarian cysts, from the appendix, or from other abdominal tissues. … [Read more...]


Within the peritoneal cavity (the area that contains the abdominal organs). Also called intraperitoneal. … [Read more...]