Search Results for: nipple

Paget disease of the nipple

A form of breast cancer in which the tumor grows from ducts beneath the nipple onto the surface of the nipple. Symptoms commonly include itching and burning and … [Read more...]

nipple discharge

Fluid that is not milk coming from the nipple. … [Read more...]


In anatomy, the small raised area in the center of the breast through which milk can flow to the outside. … [Read more...]

milk duct

A thin tube in the breast that carries milk from the breast lobules to the nipple. Also called breast duct. … [Read more...]

medial supraclavicular lymph node

A lymph node located above the collar bone and between the center of the body and a line drawn through the nipple to the shoulder. … [Read more...]

mammary dysplasia

A common condition marked by benign (not cancer) changes in breast tissue. These changes may include irregular lumps or cysts, breast discomfort, sensitive … [Read more...]

invasive breast cancer

Cancer that has spread from where it started in the breast into surrounding, healthy tissue. Most invasive breast cancers start in the ducts (tubes that carry … [Read more...]

intraductal papilloma

A benign (not cancer), wart-like growth in a milk duct of the breast. It is usually found close to the nipple and may cause a discharge from the nipple. It may … [Read more...]

intraductal breast papilloma

A benign (not cancer), wart-like growth in a milk duct of the breast. It is usually found close to the nipple and may cause a discharge from the nipple. It may … [Read more...]

infiltrating breast cancer

Cancer that has spread from where it started in the breast into surrounding, healthy tissue. Most infiltrating breast cancers start in the ducts (tubes that … [Read more...]