Search Results for: brain tumor

brain tumor

The growth of abnormal cells in the tissues of the brain. Brain tumors can be benign (not cancer) or malignant (cancer). … [Read more...]

brain stem tumor

A tumor in the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord (the brain stem). … [Read more...]

whole-brain radiotherapy

A type of external radiation therapy used to treat patients who have cancer in the brain. It is often used to treat patients whose cancer has spread to the … [Read more...]

whole-brain radiation therapy

A type of external radiation therapy used to treat patients who have cancer in the brain. It is often used to treat patients whose cancer has spread to the … [Read more...]

pituitary tumor

A tumor that forms in the pituitary gland. The pituitary is a pea-sized organ in the center of the brain above the back of the nose. It makes hormones that … [Read more...]

pineal region tumor

A type of brain tumor that occurs in or around the pineal gland, a tiny organ near the center of the brain. … [Read more...]

oligodendroglial tumor

A rare, slow-growing tumor that begins in oligodendrocytes (cells that cover and protect nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord). Also called … [Read more...]

primitive neuroectodermal tumor

One of a group of cancers that develop from the same type of early cells, and share certain biochemical and genetic features. Some primitive neuroectodermal … [Read more...]

malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor

A type of soft tissue sarcoma that develops in cells that form a protective sheath (covering) around peripheral nerves, which are nerves that are outside of the … [Read more...]

intracranial tumor

A tumor that occurs in the brain. … [Read more...]